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June 04, 2009


I think Google is no longer a publisher but a very proactive content provider. It provides content for those "trusted" websites which translates into those who pay more to make it to the top of search engine. Google has to either accept the role of being a content provider and face all consequences if current policies are to be kept and practiced or they should really become what they are claiming to be. A publisher just publishes things in chronological or alphabetical order. so if someone searches for a business in a San Francisco results should be displayed based on :
- name matching
- distance
- certain words matching the results
why should a local search in San Francisco returns businesses from East Coast and why should ten links on one page with different names point to the same business?

Internet has no laws, no regulations and no limitations. Congress must first understand the power of internet, then very clear definitions need to be thought out and published and new regulations must go in place. If Google is just a publisher, did I decide to display my own website on the 15th page after a direct name search? Who is more trusted than me when it comes to my website? certainly not the other listings occupying the first 14 pages....Google is clearly taking advantage of lack of knowledge of our legislators and growing into a big threat in our own backyard.

Please send copies of your new book for the congress and senate, maybe they read and learn something that would help us all...

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