Effective next week, the North Carolina legislature has passed, and the Governor has signed, what appears to be the strongest and broadest CyberBullying law in the US.
The following conduct intended to intimidate or "torment" a minor is now illegal and criminal in North Carolina:
1) Building a fake website or social network profile.
2) Posing as a minor in a chat room, in an email, or in an instant message.
3) Following a minor online or into a chat room.
4) Posting private or personal or sexual information about a minor.
5) Posting a doctored image of a minor online.
6) Publishing any statement, whether true or false, tending to provoke any third party to harass a minor.
7) Signing up a minor for a porn site.
8) Signing up a minor for email lists.
At Dozier Internet Law, we expect to see the free speech expansionsists challenge the constitutionality of the law. But it is a dramatic move in the right protection.